“Sincere Christians can disagree about the details of Scripture and theology - absolutely.”

Billy Graham

December 12, 2014


Commissioning is a word with many meanings. Looking on the internet one definition said that “Commissioning is the process of specifying, securing and monitoring services to meet people’s needs at […]
August 29, 2014

Finding Belonging

The world can be a pretty inhospitable place for those who are considered to be different. In a world that is trapped in its perceptions of beauty, vitality, intelligence, youth and […]
July 7, 2014

William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce’s life story is often told in the context of his campaign for the abolition of slavery. He also had a close friendship with England’s youngest ever Prime Minister, […]
July 3, 2014

Misunderstanding Forgiveness

Yesterday champion boxer Danny Green sparred on air with perennial radio jock, Bob Maumill, over comments Maumill had made on air about Rolf Harris. Maumill had suggested that maybe listeners […]

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that really matter"

Martin Luther King Jr