South West Native Mission Director’s Report (September 1965)
May 22, 2016South West Anglican Mission – Director’s Report for the A.M.C. (3rd. March, 1967)
May 22, 2016The most important event in the Mission’s activities during the past three months has been the Retreat for Missioners held at LeFanu House on 23rd. -25th. June. Unfortunately sickness and important reserve commitments prevented some from being present, but those who were there were refreshed spiritually and physically, and those to whom it was the first experience of a retreat realised how beneficial even the periods of silence were.
Father Laurence Eyers conducted the retreat and gave us four addresses based on John Baptist (whose Festival we were observing). The ladies of LeFanu House Committee provided the meals for us and over-fed us splendidly! It was generally agreed that the retreat must be an annual event.
Also in June we had our annual Street Appeal, by courtesy of the chief Secretary’s Department. This was as successful as the previous year, and the total amount collected was $732. It was realised that this could be more if there were more collectors, and we should be glad to know of means whereby we can persuade people to act in this capacity.
Another fairly important event recently has been the publication, in duplicated form, of a pamphlet which we call “The Impressions of a Missioner with the South West Native Mission’. This has received very favourable comment from all Missioners, and from the Commissioner of Native Welfare, Mr. Frank Gare. It was written by Mr. Jim. Flanagan, who has been with the Mission for the best part of five years. Copies are available for any who have not had one.
Since the last meeting of the A.M.C. I have spoken about the work of the Mission at Morley, Dianella, Kelmscott, East Fremantle, Hale School and at the Wahini Club at the Y.W.C.A. in the same period Miss Elliott has spoken to the Mothers’ Union Branches in Bassendean (two groups), Dalkeith, Wembley, Yokine and other groups at Subiaco, Rockingham and East Claremont. Sister MacDonald has spoken to the Mothers’ Union a Fremantle and at St. Philip’s, Cottesloe; to the Rivervale S.C.E.G.S. and to two groups meeting in the Y.W.C.A.
Mr. Harold Abrahams, who has been with the Mission for two and a half years, has resigned as from the end of June and this will reduce our staff to four married couples and the East Perth team. Your prayers are asked that another couple will come forward to work with us, and take Mr. Abrahams place at Merredin.
We have prepared a map showing the locations of the teams and the areas covered by them, for the Aboriginal Exhibition, to be held in the Town Hall from July 4th. under the auspices of the Aboriginal Advancement Council.
It is expected that the Statement of receipts and expenditure for the year ended April 30th. 166 will be audited and available for distribution at the meeting.
This document is from the personal papers of Mary Elliott – the language is that of the author