South West Anglican Mission – Director’s Report – April 1967
May 23, 2016South West Anglican Mission – Annual Conference – November 7th to November 9th 1966
May 23, 2016East Perth Family Centre:
The Barn was opened by His Grace the Archbishop and it is hoped to make use of it as a Community Centre. The flooring was completed two days ago.
Captain N. Polgen is now part of the East Perth team. He will be attending S.W.A.M. board meetings as observer and adviser. I would like to request that he be given permission and licensed to preach in the Province.
MacDonald House:
Tim Calyun, one of the residents, did very well in the Y.M.C.A. Pioneer Course.
The Hostel continues to be a happy place
Gnowangerup and Mt. Barker:
I have not visited these two places yet but our teams, from the Reports I have, are obviously fully involved in their work.
Miss Angela Hankin, who worked in the reserve at Gnowangerup in a voluntary capacity enjoyed her work.
Mobile Team I. H.Q. Moora, Mr and Mrs. J. Flanigan:
This work has already proved satisfactory. 50 families have been contacted so far. I was in Moora a fortnight ago when I spent time with our Team, Mrs. Benton, the Welfare Officer, and Mr. Newland, the District Officer. The two members of the Department showed great interest in our work and District Officer took me to the Reserve. This was a profitable visit from the point of view of contacts. The Flanigans use their own Caravan but we have offered to pay some depreciation.
Mobile Team II. H.Q. Northam, Mr and Mrs. R. Jessup: This work starts to-day. I returned from Northam this morning after attending the meeting of the local Welfare Committee. Mr. Fred Killick, the Deputy Mayor of Northam, is very pleased that we are sending our team. He has assured me of a warm welcome to the Jessups and that he would co-operate fully. A caravan has been purchased for the Jessups. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stack, a young couple living on the Reserve, have also assured me that they would co-operate with our team.
Street Appeal:
Permission to conduct a Street Appeal on Friday, 19th., April, 1968, has been obtained.
Girl’s Hostel:
The Board of Le Fanu House is unable to grant our request to use part of the house as a Hostel for girls.
Two young trained nurses – Sue Contos and Vivicka Sorenson would like to help us out from Wednesday 13th., March until Sunday 7th., April 1968. I am considering sending them to either Mt. Barker or Gnowangerup.
Mission Workshops:
A full workshop Session during the Summer school was devoted to Home Mission. The following members took part: The Reverend E.C. King, Mrs. Warren, Mr. Jessup, Miss Elliott, Miss Street, Mr. Flanigan and Miss Angela Hankin.
This document is from the personal papers of Mary Elliott – the language is that of the author