Creating an Inclusive Society – Tolerance vs. Acceptance
May 30, 2016Shitstorm: Inside Labor’s Darkest Days by Lenore Taylor
June 3, 2016This slim volume is terrific and I only wish that I had discovered it 20 years ago. It gives an interesting perspective on US evangelicals approaching and embracing Anglicanism. Its only weakness is that it fails to acknowledge the strong strain of evangelicalism in the English Anglican church.
Having said that, it covers a number of key issues and identifies how Anglican worship is christologically centred and essentially evangelical. It also notes how lack-lustre much worship is in the American evangelical scene. It covers a number of other key theological themes.
I found it refreshing as someone who grew up in Australian evangelical Anglican churches and who finds Anglican worship a tad tired. It reinforced the importance of good liturgy as against the passing fads of self centred worship.
I look forward to reading Webber’s later work.