: to think carefully and deeply about something.

Stephen Hall
Ruminating's Founder
Stephen has more than 30 years of experience working for social justice causes.
Before joining Shelter WA, a community-sector organisation that works to preserve decent affordable housing, Stephen was the Leader Mission and Service at Baptistcare, a faith-based third-sector organisation that provides aged care, along with mental health and disability accommodation with wrap round services. Before that, Stephen was the manager of the Employment Law Centre, after leading the WA Association for Mental Health. Prior to that Stephen managed a WA based tobacco control organisation and was instrumental in driving two key pieces of tobacco control legislation through the WA parliament. Earlier Stephen was the Executive Officer of the Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission in WA after around a decade in the youth work sector.
Stephen has served on :
- Wattle Grove Primary School Board (Inaugural Chair) 2012/13
- Anglican Social Responsibilities Commission (Chair) 2010/11
- Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation - ANTaR (Chair of WA committee and on national board) 2003/11
- National Sorry Day Committee (Chair of WA Bringing Them Home Committee and served on national board) 2003/07
- WA No Interest Loans Scheme (Inaugural Chair) 1998/2001
- Deaths in Custody Watch Committee (Foundational Trustee) 1993/2001
Stephen has also presented specialist programs on community radio for over ten years.
A more detailed overview of Stephen's Work history can be found in LinkedIn, follow the link below to read his profile.